Kokemäki is a modern rural town that provides great opportunities for living, development, recreation, and business. Comprehensive digital services, a high-speed fibre-optic network, and efficient transport connections ensure that everything is always within your reach.
Looking for job?
Kokemäki offers many different career options. Whether you are just starting your career or you are an experienced expert we can help you with the job search.
For more information, please contact:
Sini Jaatinen, Employment Service Manager, tel. +358 (0)40 488 6112, email: sini.jaatinen[a]kokemaki.fi
Tero Patoranta, Director of Business Development, tel. +358 (0)44 720 4641, email: tero.patoranta[a]prizz.fi
Open jobs (in Finnish): kokemaki.fi/tyo-ja-yrittaminen/avoimet-tyopaikat/
Are you planning to start a business in Kokemäki? We want to congratulate you on your good choice.
Kokemäki has good and functioning basic services and a reliable and the world fastest fiber-optic network that offers excellent connections. Local and regional educational institutions train a skilled workforce for your company’s needs. A network of expert developer organizations helps your company succeed.
Industrial plots can be found close to the city center tailored to your wishes. Various premises for both industrial and office use are offered for example by Kokemäki Teollisuuskylä Oy (+358 (0)40 4886 111).
For companies
There are excellent operating conditions and competitive advantage for the companies in Kokemäki region. Kokemäki is located in the middle of national roads 2 (Pori-Helsinki), 12 (Tampere-Rauma) and 11 (Pori-Tampere). There is also a railway station in Kokemäki and the nearest harbour and three airports are located about an hour away. The town has a new fiber optic network, which capacity is huge and availability easy. This network grants reliable electric connections.
Your company will be supported in practical issues of the process. Kokemäki town will provide your company services concerning for example recruitment. There are also budget rental apartments and wide range of residential plots available.
The wide business network in Kokemäki provides your company significant synergy advantage. Kokemäki has an active business association and diverse economic structure.